March 13, 2018

Immediate improvement in signups for Spreedly

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Immediate improvement in signups for Spreedly

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Immediate improvement in signups for Spreedly

We increased conversions on the Spreedly website by crafting a content strategy that clearly articulated value to potential customers

About this video

Knurture knows that results matter. Watch this 131 second video to see how Knurture improved the quantity and quality of Spreedly's incoming leads.


Through quantitative and qualitative testing of Spreedly's audience, we were able to understand why people were looking for a solution like Spreedly in the first place.

Spreedly users were loyal because Spreedly's subscription processing service offered allowed them to switch payment gateways without asking customers to re-enter their credit card information.

Spreedly's Gateway Freedom campaign increased sign-ups and conversions. We went on to work with Spreedly on several other projects including their Gateway Index.

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